
with Christina

The comeback is always greater than the setback.




Complete the form

If you are ready to make a serious, attainable and sustainable life change, complete my contact form


Wait to be contacted

You will receive a personal message from me within 24 hours.


You are all set

We will have a chat on the phone to discuss your goals and the things you think are holding you back

What do

you get?

Workout plans made for you

Workouts designed to keep you engaged and encouraged to reach your goals

Your own meal plan

Healthy, customized meal plans to keep you satisfied and wanting more

We track your progress together

Weekly check ins with me and progress tracking at your fingertips

Continuous communication

I am in this with you. I am still on my own journey! Lets do this together!

Workout plans made for you

Workouts designed to keep you engaged and encouraged to reach your goals

Your own meal plan

Healthy, customized meal plans to keep you satisfied and wanting more

We track your progress together

Weekly check ins with me and progress tracking at your fingertips

Continuous communication

I am in this with you. I am still on my own journey! Lets do this together!

A mockup of the coaching app showcasing the features.
Coach is smiling while lifting.

Why choose

online coaching?

We will focus on the mental roadblocks that are holding you back from attaining your dream life together while focusing on fitness and nutrition. As someone who used to weigh 333 pounds, I have shown resiliency and strength as I changed my mindset, fitness and eating habits which, in turn, helped me lose over 130 lbs. We will dive deep into the real reasons why you can't lose weight, overcome them, and attain the life you've always imagined for yourself.

I offer a multi-faceted approach to weight loss that consists of altering mental habits, strength training, cardio, and a concentrated focus on nutrition. As someone who used to be severely overweight, I have overcome many mental and physical roadblocks and I want to help you do the same! People of all ages can benefit from my coaching. Whether you're a student, a busy parent or someone that just doesn't have the motivation to get off the couch! Let's change that mindset together!

Coach is exercising in the gym.
Coach is smiling, posing for a picture.
Start Now